
frenzel & berg electronic offers many proven solutions for: PLC-modules and visualisation with CoDeSys and I/O-extension via CANopen.

frenzel + berg CANopen Chip for digital I/O, joystick, HMI, gateway

The frenzel & berg electronic CANopen-Chips are active components, already providing all neccessary functions for a CANopen-device. The software-implementation of the CANopen-protocol is already done and tested so an additional programming of the device is not needed.

to the CANopen-Chips

frenzel + berg CANopen analog and digital I/O modules. PT100/PT1000, bridge driver, encoder, PWM, proportional valves

Compact and modular devices for decentral I/O- and interface extension via CANopen, based on frenzel & berg electronic CANopen-chips.

to CANopen I/Os

frenzel + berg CANopen gateway for serial interfaces

For modules without CAN interface, the compact gateways are an excellent link to CANopen bus systems.

to the CANopen-Gateways

frenzel + berg CoDeSys PLC Controller with CANopen Master, Ethernet and further interfaces for industrial applications

PLC-controller beeing programmed with the CODESYS programming system


to compact-PLCs

frenzel + berg embedded CoDeSys PLC for mounting on OEM hardware as CORE module

The PLC core modules are programmed with the CODESYS programming system.


frenzel + berg Bedienpanels with Touch und keyboard for CODESYS Visualisierung

HMI with LCD display, keyboard and touch.

zu den VISU-Panels

frenzel + berg microcontrollersystems for industrial controlling applications

Powerful PLC systems without implemented operating system. Those systems can be programmed with e.g. 'C'-compilers, assembler or any other for microcontoller dedicated programmingsystems.

microcontroller systems

For running and programming useful accesssories for frenzel & berg electronic products.



frenzel + berg electronic

phone.: +49 (0) 731 970 57-0


technical support and help for frenzel + berg products

For technical questions please contact our support-service: